Wide format print has developed significantly over the last few years. When it comes to in-house production printing, you can now achieve outstanding results with minimal environmental impacts. One of the biggest environmental advancements is the improvement in the types of inks used in large scale printing.

Low VOC Ink Options

It is no secret that traditional solvent-based inks have a strong, unpleasant odor and potential adverse health effects. These concerns are some of the leading reasons behind the industry shift towards latex inkjet printing.

Latex inks have lower VOC levels than traditional solvent-based inks. And, although there have been some complaints of slower curing times and adhesion concerns, the environmental benefits cannot be denied. Another improvement? Better air quality for employees means operators can work longer hours and still be within OSHA compliance.

The new generation of latex inks has addressed the previous curing and costs concerns, making them just as efficient as their solvent counterparts. So now, you don’t have sacrifice productivity for sustainability and environmental consciousness.

Environmental and Flexible

Beyond the environmental impacts, latex inks have gained popularity due to their unique composition and flexible usage. Latex ink enables printing at a wider number of substrates, the material on which the ink will be printed. This means that designers and printers have a wider range of options to choose from when creating and executing print jobs. These advanced in latex in means that material and color output concerns will not inhibit the creative process.

Regardless of what industry you are in, if you have print production needs, it is time to look at the type of ink you are printing with and how upgrading can generate improvements. As print production equipment continues to develop, creativity can soar since there are fewer limitations and eco concerns.

If you have any questions about Ricoh or Canon print equipment or managed print solutions, contact us for information on how we can help upgrade your print program.

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