Regardless if you have one office or various branches, you most likely have multiple printers scattered across several locations. Whether managing your fleet means having them all in one spot, throughout the state or across the country, managed print services are the best way to successfully manage your company’s print needs.
Risks and Rewards
You might already be familiar with the many benefits of managed print services, but have you ever considered the risks associated with not using an MPS?
Here are some statistics that highlight the security risks you face if you are not adequately managing your print solutions.
50 percent of employees see confidential documents abandoned on the printer.
34 percent have seen confidential correspondence and 19 percent have seen confidential salary details.
Safety and Security
This type of irresponsible print management can wreak havoc on the security of your organization as a whole, not just one office or location, and can lead to employee discord. MPS allows you to implement controls that let you track who is printing what documents and from which printer. Need to limit access to particular documents? You can do that. Want to implement print restrictions? Yup, MPS can handle that too.
MPS is particularly critical for industries such as healthcare, legal, and financial, where vast amounts of proprietary data are being accessed and printed regularly. Encryption techniques and print ID numbers allow you to regulate and track print use, which supports security as well as sustainability.
Smart, Sustainable Solution
Many environmentally savvy business owners think of print as a necessary evil. While there are several ways to improve sustainability in your organization, managing your print surplus is one of the most important…and most effective.
First and foremost, MPS reduces print waste, which includes paper and supply waste as well as energy savings. While modern laser printers have the advantage of using more efficient print methods and eco-friendly inks and supplies, you can still improve the effectiveness of your current models by implementing an MPS. Monitoring and tracking print habits is the first step in eliminating wasteful practices. Once you see the big picture, you can take the necessary steps to improve your eco footprint.
If you are a business owner or manager who needs help getting your print costs and security under control, contact us in one of our New York locations to get your questions answered by a print expert.